Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The first song written for the Revolution in Egypt

Salma, a young Egyptian blogger and frequent commenter on this forum has provided me with a link to what possibly could be the first song written specifically for the January 25 revolution.

It has a great beat, beautiful lyrics, and the video is pretty moving.  It is sung by Mouhammad Mounir, a well know and respected Egyptian singer.

Thanks so much Salma for the link.  I am sure more and more songs with be coming out, and I pray that we will remember all of them joyously in the future when we reminisce over and relish every moment we are living these days, and its success that we should all be praying for all the time.


1 comment:

  1. Its an amazing song :) it makes us all feel very proud of all that we have accomplished, even if we have only been taking part by praying for the people out there in tahrir..i still cant believe all this is happened in just the past two weeks
