Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It is not too late: End of year worthwhile charities.

It would be wonderful to be able to support charitable organizations that we like throughout the year. But let us be honest: something about the end of the calendar year brings the topic of charitable donations 'to the front burner' more frequently.
Could it be Christmas Spirit in the air?

Or is it the IRS and Uncle Sam's promise to be nicer to us if we share the wealth?

Or is it the usual human nature of wanting to do the right thing but waiting for an arbitrary deadline to get it done?

Whichever way, if you still have some room in your 'rewards savings accounts' for more Godly rewards, take a look at these favorites of mine.

The top 2 on my list, and the closest to my heart, are the UMMA community Clinic and St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Islamic Relief fund is a close third, and is also a great organization to support that has proven track record. But, please, also take a look as a very special organization brought to my attention by a posting on Tikkun Olam (a great news and commentary website of the progressive Jewish journalist, Richard Silverstein, a truly Righteous Jew).

Umma Community Clinic. This is a purely Muslim project we should all be very proud of:
It is a free clinic for everyone living in in a very poor area of Los Angeles. It is staffed by Muslim doctors and nurses, and offers top quality care to all those who need it. Check their web site, and see where your heart leads you.

Islamic Relief USA:
It numerous finds for people in need all over the worlds. Take your pick.

St. Jude's Children's Hospital and Research Center:
Absolutely worth every penny. Where else would children with cancer get all the help they and their families need REGARDLESS of insurance coverage or financial ability.

The last, but not least is a fund of a much smaller scale than the great groups mentioned above, but the nature of the project makes it VERY special.

It is Abir’s Garden in Gaza.

Abir is an 11 year old Palestinian girl, and the daughter of a Palestinian peace activist and a co-founder of Combatants for Peace, murdered by a the Israeli Border Police in 2007 and, in all likelihood, no one will be held accountable - not an unusual outcome in such cases.

Read the post on Silverstein's website, and consider contributing to the children playground for children in Gaza in her memory.

May the New year bring you all happiness and content.


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